What kind of Superhero are YOU?

1: If it weren't for this quiz, what would you be doing right now?

2: A man walks into a tree and immediately suffers from Amnesia. He then starts calling you Grandma and screaming at you in Latin. - Do you...

3: COSTUME TIME! When your time for costume-making comes, what is the first thing you reach for?

4: Mr Incredible, Batman, Superman and Optimus Prime all have sidekicks! Who's yours?

5: What actually is your superpower?

6: You're just chilling on an iceberg in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. When suddenly you see a boat called "The Titaniac" heading straight for it. Do you...

7: How do you decide your Superhero name?

8: Clark Kent, Bruce Willis, Peter Parker, Eric Banana, Tony Stark... are all secret identities of famous super heroes. What about you?

9: Clark Kent, Bruce Willis, Peter Parker, Eric Banana, Tony Stark... are all secret identities of famous super heroes. What about you?

10: Final Question~ You are dead. What do you do?