Twilight first movie quiz

1: What is the first line of the movie?

2: Where did Bella live with her mother?

3: What is the name of the town Bella moves to?

4: What reason did Edward give Bella that he was out of school?

5: What is the name of Jacob's tribe?

6: What kind of car does Edward drive?

7: Where do Bella and Edward talk about him being a vampire for the first time?

8: Bella states that she was ____ and ____ in love with Edward

9: What is Edward dying of when Dr. Cullen turns him into a vampire?

10: What is Edward listening to when Bella visits his room?

11: Where does James tell Bella to meet him?

12: How does James trick Bella into thinking he has her mother?

13: What is the theme of Bella and Edwards prom?