1: What order do the sharps go in?
2: Name this key signature (Hint: Think of the last sharp the key is in and increase a half step.)
3: Name this key signature (Hint: Think of the last sharp the key is in and increase a half step.)
4: Name this key signature (Hint: Think of the last sharp the key is in and increase a half step.)
5: Name this key signature (Hint: Think of the last sharp the key is in and increase a half step.)
6: Name this key signature (Hint: Think of the last sharp the key is in and increase a half step.)
7: Name this key signature (Hint: Think of the last sharp the key is in and increase a half step.)
8: What order do the flats go in?
9: Name this key signature.
10: Name this key signature.
11: Name this key signature.
12: Name this key signature.
13: Name this key signature.
14: Name this key signature.
15: The order of sharps & flats _______ stay the same.
16: What is an interval in music?