1: The use of ladders is banned on Story Sites. True or False?
2: If you have scanned an area to be dug once for buried services, you don’t need to scan the same area again. True or False?
3: If you cannot perform a task and maintain 2m social distancing, you must wear a face covering. You do not have to be face fit tested for a face covering. True or false?
4: I am not responsible for the health & Safety choices of others or situations created by Story management. True or False?
5: If an item of plant has stopped moving, I may walk past it. True or false?
6: You can mechanically excavate within 500mm of a known buried service, if you’re really careful and hand excavation would be too hard or take too long.
7: It is the responsibility of the organisation collecting the waste from our sites to dispose of it legally. True or False?
8: If I am requested to take a Drugs & Alcohol test, I have the right to refuse. True or False?
9: COVID 19 restrictions require persons who can work from home to do so, however, you can go into the office any time you feel you want to. True or False?
10: Things will be better next year. True or False?
11: How many hazard spotters have we raised in the last twelve months?