Popular Video games for children

1: Sonic's friend tails has 2 tails

2: Is wario bad or good

3: Are Flynn and Cali In love

4: How many types of monsters are there on Moshi Monsters

5: On Sonic The Hedgehog1 what is the first zone called

6: On the Mario 64 game What Do you Jump into to get power stars

7: On the Mario 64 game What Do you Jump into to get power stars

8: What year was the first skylanders made in

9: On Moshi monsters is A zommer A zombie or teenager

10: On Sonic 2 is it sonic and tails who try to defeat Eggman

11: On Mario 64 if you want to jump off a tree do you have to face forwards or backwards to jump where you want

12: On skylanders giants do one of the Conquertrons turn

13: On skylanders giants do one of the Conquertrons turn

14: How many galaxies are there where you have to fly with a bird on Mario Galaxy 2