Natural Disasters Quiz

1: What is The Ground Shaking Disaster?

2: What Happens If Everyone is Running Onto The Safest Build That is Strong And Made By Water?

3: What Happen If Collising Energy + Cloud = ?????

4: What Happens If The Storm Cloud Pushes Down Wards And Spins Much in a Circle Its What

5: What Is The Planet Earth Biggest Typhoon?

6: What is Falling Hail?

7: What is The Heat Ball And Have Speed Of Light(FOR HINT. Theres Much Raining on the athmosphere)

8: Whats Whats.A Shriking Hole?

9: When The Ground Rises And Erupts As Times It Erupts lava What is it?

10: When the Water Rises It Drowns People And Its Deadly.What it could be?

11: What is Much Snow Come From?

12: When You Can Die Without Water And The Sun Is Hot And the Earth Modifies What is it?

13: What is Wave Plus Heat

14: The Fire Cant Be Controlled Causing A Wild____

15: The Finale.that Dont Trust,Queeky Beggy Floop Floop?