Moderation Quiz

1: What makes you a good moderator? (One is correct)

2: Do you like this discord? (All correct)

3: Are you in [UG] Squad?

4: Are you approved and was interviewed by the Manager or Owner?

5: Were you in discord server for 5 days?

6: Will you abuse?

7: Can you do basic math?

8: 1+1=

9: Is 45 a integer?

10: What is the interger? Withdraw 45

11: Do you think you can handle being a moderator and taking daily Quiz,Meeting,Taks,And test?

12: Do you understand you earn grades by doing things as a moderator?

13: Will you kick people for nothing?

14: Do you understand we are not a easy moderation team?

15: Do you know you have to use 7/10 Grammar skill?