LailaAkhtars Quiz

1: What is my favourite food

2: How many brothers do I have

3: What is my mum called

4: When is my birthday

5: Who is my best friend ?

6: What's my favorite drink

7: What was my pumpkin carved as 2018

8: When did i make this quiz

9: Do I have tik tok

10: How many sisters do I have

11: My favorite crisps

12: How old am I

13: What school do I go to

14: What's my favourite tv show

15: How many pets do I have

16: What type of pets do I have

17: In i in youtube

18: What movie do like

19: What's my favourite chocolate

20: What's my favourite colour

21: Do I like tea or coffee

22: Do I like swings or slides