How Well Do You Know Xylene?

1: What grade am I going to next school year?

2: How many social accounts do I have?

3: My favorite soda is...

4: How many pairs of shoes do I have?

5: My latest crush is...

6: How many selfies do I take in a day?

7: My dream job is...

8: My favorite model and actress is...

9: ColorS I'm addicted to

10: My Top 5 favorite dance steps

11: Social account where I always forget my password (That's why I have a lot of 'em)

12: How many crushes do I have?

13: Who is this? If you don't know who this is, you don't know me that much. This is the most important person in my life. I made promises to her like taking her to London to take a selfie infront of Big Ben.