How Well Do YOU know Space?

1: What is the biggest star?

2: What's the heaviest star? (known)

3: What galaxy do we live in?

4: What star is in OUR Solar System?

5: What is the SURFACE temperature of the Sun? (Fahrenheit)

6: How far does the moon orbit the earth? (km)

7: What is our nearby galaxy?

8: What is the biggest galaxy? (known)

9: Is there a supermassive black hole in the middle of The Milky Way?

10: What is a supernova?

11: In order, what are the planets in the Solar System?

12: Exactly, what is the furthest planet to orbit the Sun?

13: How many days does it take for the moon to orbit the earth?

14: How long does it take for the earth to do a full rotation around its axis?