1: When did SevenSuperGirls join Youtube?
2: How many Playlists are currently created on SevenSuperGirls?
3: What is the age limit on SevenSuperGirls?
4: When is Jenna's Birthday?
5: What year was Rachael born?
6: What Girl left the channel, then returned?
7: SevenSuperGirls has Meet n Greets
8: What Girl does not like chocolate?
9: What Girl Loves Moose Tracks Ice Cream?
10: Who is the tallest girl on SevenSuperGirls
11: Every girl on the channel has at least 1 dog
12: What Girl takes Gymnastics?
13: Emily has a younger sister named Julianna
14: Mimi was the Monday spot on SevenCoolTweens before she joined SevenSuperGirls
15: Oceane used to be the Monday spot on SevenSuperGirls