How well do you know me? 2

1: Where am I going today on 6/29/13?

2: What am I drinking at this moment?

3: Am I tomboy or girly girl?

4: What color is my skin?

5: Where am I from?

6: How many beds do I have in my room?

7: Do I have any siblings?

8: Am I democrat or republicain?

9: What is my eye color?

10: What color is my hair?

11: What book am I currently finishing?

12: How long of drive does it about take me to get to my BFF's house?

13: What is my second favorite continent?

14: What is my first favorite continent?

15: Do you have the same opinion on this picture as me?

16: Ok time to go into part 3 of the quiz called Do you think the same as me.

17: Its a big test, I've studied but I still feel........

18: I'm going on a long trip, and i'm worried a _______ will attack our RV

19: A friend of mine has been being super mean I wish I could...

20: Oh No! I have to have adnoid surgery! On the day of the surgery I feel _____________

21: Do I have a real medal made out of gold?

22: Darn! I failed a test I feel _____

23: What is the name of my dog?

24: I have three dogs and their names are....

25: Top 2 favorite dum-dum pop flavors?

26: Your at the last question of a test, you look up and see 40 seconds on the timer you....

27: Ok were done with that chapter, now its music!

28: Who is my favorite singer?

29: Was instrumient do I play?

30: What do I like better? - for music -

31: Do I like pink?

32: Time to see how well you know me!