how well do u know sk3tchYT?

1: where does sk3tchYT lives?

2: Where does sk3tchYT likes to eat?

3: What is sk3tchYT's full name?

4: what is the full name of his brother Bandirue?

5: how old is elijah on 04/29/2018

6: What is the name of sk3tchYT's pet + what animal ( in real life)

7: Of what group is sk3tchYT a member!

8: on what channel is his prom video?

9: on what channel is his prom video?

10: what is his favourite color?

11: What is his dare thing called?

12: how does he calls his hair

13: where did he work before youtube

14: (bonus) how manny subs did sketch have on 12/21/2017