1: What's Robert's second name?
2: Which town/city is Robert from?
3: How many siblings does Robert have?
4: What age was Robert when he starred in his first movie?
5: Who did Robert co-star with in the "Cherrybomb"?
6: What was the name of Robert's character in "The Borrowers"?
7: How many times did Nathan Young from "Misfits" die?
8: In which year did Robert star in "The Playboy Of The Western World"?
9: How many awards has Robert been nominated for so far?
10: Will darren "Love/Hate" be returning for the full 4th series?
11: Robert's natural hair colour is black.
12: Which movie is Robert currently filming in America?
13: What was the name of Roberts character in "Me And Mrs Jones"?
14: How many months has The Sheehab twitter page been up and running?