1: What's the smallest animal?
2: How many languages are there in the world?
3: How much more can a hawk see compared to a human?
4: What's the first 6 elements in the periodic table in order?
5: What did the dinosaurs die from?
6: How many weeks per year?
7: What's the fastest animal?
8: What's the 5th planet in the Solar System?
9: How many countries are there?
10: Does this sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" contain every letter?
11: True or false "Elephants hate mice"?
12: What's the fastest (known) thing?
13: How fast does a comet travel?
14: How does a bat see with sound?
15: How many continents are there?
16: What's the longest river?
17: How deep is the south pacific ocean?
18: What's the distance between the sun and earth?
19: What's the distance between earth and makemake?