1: How old is Ariel in the movie "The Little Mermaid"?
2: What is Belle's interest?
3: Who owns the restaurant in the movie "Lady & the Tramp"?
4: What is the name of Bambi's true love?
5: What is the name of the princess in the movie "Sleeping Beauty"?
6: How many step sisters does Cinderella have?
7: Aladdin must go where to retrieve the magic lamp?
8: Ariel becomes deeply in love w/who?
9: Maurice is considered to be who by the townspeople?
10: What is the name of Cinderella's mother?
11: Who is the mother of the puppies in the movie "101 Dalmatians"?
12: Who is the captian in the movie "Mulan"?
13: What year did the original "Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs" movie come out?
14: What is the name of Aurora's prince?
15: Who is Mufasa's most trustworthy friend?
16: What is Simba's mother's name?
17: Ariel ends up giving up what to become human?
18: Woody is the character in what movie?
19: Mulan is what type of girl?
20: How many puppies did Perdita orignally have?
21: Which princess is desperate for independance?
22: Who is Pinocchios father?
23: What is the color of Cinderella's ball gown?
24: According to Scuttle, what does he call a "dinglehopper"?
25: What year did the movie "Aladdin" come out?
26: Who is the owner of the toys in the movie "Toy Story"?
27: Who is Gaston's best friend?
28: Who owns Pongo?
29: Mushu is from what movie?
30: What is the name of the blue fairy in Sleeping Beauty?