baileys quiz!

1: favorite color?

2: favorite food?

3: favorite season

4: favorite childhood movie?

5: fav genre

6: fav song (as of rn)

7: favorite animals

8: fav teacher

9: If you were to be stranded on an island would u die of your stupidness or would you survive because hot Oprah will be your savior

10: If you were stuck on an island who would u take with?

11: Favorite Actor?

12: Fav. Singer? (i don't have a fav but who do i like out of these?)

13: What fictional place would you go to

14: fav board game

15: fav tv show

16: fav villain

17: fav superhero

18: What would you rate yourself out of 10

19: what power would i want?

20: described in one word

21: fav state?