1: Where were they born?
2: What are they famous for?
3: Who do they own a house with as of January 3rd 2018?
4: Who is their nephew?
5: How many siblings do they have including themselves?
6: Where do they live now?
7: Can they afford gucci?
8: Which one has braces?
9: Is "Drown" one of their hit songs?
10: Who sings the first verse to "Drown"?
11: How many music videos do they have? ( P.S. Their own songs not mash ups) as of January 2018
12: How old is Trey? 2017
13: How old is Armon? 2017
14: Are they real blood brothers?
15: Are they baes asf?
16: Are they gorgeous?
17: Who are their best friends?
18: How many Instagram followers do they have as of January 2018?
19: Do they do pranks?
20: What is their mother's name?